A Blog dedicated to History

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Die Deutsche Wochenschau

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (English: The German Newsreel) is the sole series of German newsreels from 1940 until the end of World War II.

The series was a source of footage for late Nazi propaganda films such as Der Ewige Jude and Feldzug in Polen, as well as innumerable post war documentaries. Despite Harry Giese's signature rat-a-tat narration that gives the proceedings a documentary-like tone, liberties were taken in retelling the facts in this special Nazi propaganda tool.

Among the many notable scenes preserved by the newsreel are the Nazi point of view of the battle of Normandy, the footage of Hitler and Mussolini right after the July 20 plot, and the last footage of Hitler awarding Hitler Youth volunteers shortly before the Battle of Berlin.

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